(512) 994-4419 Pastor@lhministries.com
Pastor Robert A. Davis In Revival

Pastor Robert A. Davis In Revival

Supt. Robert A. Davis in revival at the Lord Of The Harvest Ministries Int’l in Round Rock, Texas.

What happened at the revival? This revival was what we expected.  There were healing, deliverance, and salvation which took place over the course of 3 nights.  There were handicap walkers left at the altar and demons were cast out.  We are now expecting our next revival in the 2nd week of January 2019.

Not only was the revival successful but the after effects were lasted until Sunday morning.  After returning to our Sunday morning worship services, we felt the impact of the Spirit of God.  The preacher brought a powerful word to help the saints to stay focus.  The members were excited and it showed in their praise.







5 Question Skit

5 Question Skit

The Empowered 2 Share Jesus Workshop provided the students with tools to win souls to Jesus Christ. The class “Share Jesus Without Fear” by William Faye provided 5 questions on how to help a person to Jesus.  The purpose of using these specific questions gives you a way to know if the candidate has any spiritual belief or any desire to want to know about Jesus.

In the following skit “5 Questions Skit” the man and woman are riding a city bus.  The man just left the dentist office and his mouth is numb from the medicine.  The woman will try to find out if the man has any spiritual beliefs by asking him the questions.


International Sunday School Hour

International Sunday School Hour

“Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Welcome to the Sunday School Hour. I am your host, Brother Gary Mathis.”

If you have ever listened to the Sunday School Hour broadcast, you will surely remember the exciting station identification. The online broadcast, hosted by Pastor Gary and Jackie Mathis from 2007 to 2014, was responsible for ministering to thousands of Sunday school teachers, students, and eager churchgoers from all over.

Pastor Gary and Sister Jackie sat side by side as guest hosts on the weekly broadcast. And when Sister Jackie wasn’t on the air, we had the pleasure of hearing from others. Individuals like Elder Jones from Los Angeles (Reader/Teacher), Elder Tony Chism (Teacher), Elder Michael Whitmore, Sharon Mason (Oklahoma), Pastor Willie Knight (Los Angeles), Deacon Rochester Green (Austin, TX), Elder Darryl Jones (Austin, TX), Missionary Kim Solis (Austin, TX), and many more.

The Sunday School Hour was introduced in January 2008, focusing on a series of lessons about the “Community.” The goal of the Sunday School Hour broadcast was to highlight the importance of Sunday School and encourage listeners to actively participate in their respective ministries, becoming well-studied and well-versed in the Word of God. Over the course of seven years and 300 lessons, many were blessed by the broadcast.

You can find any of the broadcasts on websites such as



and other internet platforms.


REVIVAL TIME (Supt. Robert A. Davis) JUNE 20-22, 2018

REVIVAL TIME (Supt. Robert A. Davis) JUNE 20-22, 2018

Get ready for Revival!

Supt. Robert A. Davis will be visiting the Lord of the Harvest Ministries from June 20th to June 22nd, 2018 at 7:00 PM each night.


We are living in a critical time when people are dying and facing eternal damnation. The church stands as their only hope to learn about the resurrected Savior, Jesus Christ.

“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” – Acts 4:12

Unfortunately, the people of God are often distracted by entertainment, personal ambitions, building projects, and financial ventures, causing the true purpose of the church to fade into the background. My prayer is that the love for souls will ignite a burning passion within the hearts of God’s people. I encourage each individual to take it upon themselves to share the good news of Jesus Christ with someone every day, conveying what He has done in their own lives.

Let us never cease testifying about how God has delivered us and set us free. Speak about the power of God and how He has freed you from sin. Don’t hesitate to approach someone on the street to say, “God bless you,” and offer them an invitation to salvation.

Do not let the sin of silence hinder you from sharing the love of Jesus.

Empowered 2 Share Jesus Workshop

Empowered 2 Share Jesus Workshop

June 7th marked the first day of the “Empowered 2 Share Jesus Workshop.” The workshop’s opening was truly empowering, leaving each participant with valuable insights to ponder. After learning about what it truly means to share Jesus, one cannot help but question why they are not sharing Him more frequently.

During the workshop, a particular word was spoken that silenced the room. This word may seem small as a text, but its impact is immense – “SILENCE.” The sin of silence was associated with a man named Peter, one of Jesus’ disciples. Peter infamously denied Jesus three times, and he became known for his association with Jesus. Have you ever found yourself unable to identify with Jesus, particularly in the presence of your friends?

Throughout the month of June, it’s declared Evangelism Month at the Lord of the Harvest Ministry.  We’ve scheduled the workshop for every Thursday night at 7:00 PM except for June 21st.  Meet us June 20-22 for the upcoming revival with Supt. Robert Davis from COGIC No. 1.  The revival will take place June 20-22, 2018 at 7:00 PM at 1801 Old Settlers Blvd, Round Rock, Texas.




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