(512) 994-4419 Pastor@lhministries.com
The Topic of the Month “The Will of God in Prayer.”

The Topic of the Month “The Will of God in Prayer.”

TNT Thursday Night Bible Challenge – Week 2. Earn a Bible certificate from Lord of the Harvest Ministries.

The topic for this month is “The Will of God in Prayer.” You will discover how unbelief and negative speech can nullify prayers. Gain a greater understanding of aligning your prayers with your actions.

Praying with boldness and confidence is crucial. Cultivate an attitude of expectation when approaching prayer.

Join us online and REGISTER today for the challenge.

TNT – Thursday Night Bible Challenge Has Begun!!!

TNT – Thursday Night Bible Challenge Has Begun!!!

The Bible Challenge has commenced, and the first night lived up to our expectations. The program began with singing, prayer, and a teaching session on the topic: “The Will of God in Prayer – Part One.” The students will be challenged with 10 questions related to tonight’s subject. You can find all the questions for the current topic at www.lhministries.com/biblechallenge.

Exciting news! We have winners for the door prizes:

Walmart Gift Cards Winners:

  • Stephanie Byrd, who was the first to register for the Bible Challenge
  • Lillian Coffman, who was a first-time visitor to Lord of the Harvest Ministries Int’l

To register for the Bible Challenge, please visit: https://lhministries.hubspotpagebuilder.com/tntbiblechallenge

New Life (New Convert Ministry)

New Life (New Convert Ministry)


We would like to extend an invitation to you to learn more about Jesus Christ. If you have recently accepted Jesus into your heart as your personal Savior, this class is perfect for you.

We are thrilled about your new relationship with the Savior, and now it is time for you to begin growing in your journey with Him.

As stated in 1 Peter 2:1-2:

  1. Therefore, laying aside all malice, and all deceit, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings,
  2. As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby.

This scripture encourages us to let go of negative behaviors and attitudes and instead approach God’s Word with a sincere desire for spiritual nourishment, allowing us to grow in our faith.







Pastor Mathis and Members Travel to Arlington, Texas

Pastor Mathis and Members Travel to Arlington, Texas


Pastor Mathis was invited to the Ark Of Safety Church Of God In Christ in Arlington, Texas, which is led by Supt. J. Askew.

The words spoken by Pastor Mathis touched the hearts of the people, and the altar was filled with hungry souls seeking ministry. Each person received a personal word for their life. The main message delivered was titled “We’re Not Ordinary.” Another message that resonated during his speech was the importance of creating an atmosphere for God to change our situations. Drawing from Genesis 1:2, he reminded us that the Spirit of the Lord hovered over the deep, and with His spoken word, construction began. He encouraged us to praise God to experience His presence in our lives, allowing His spoken word to rebuild and transform us.

During his time at the church, he not only preached the gospel but also conveyed his message through song. The hearts of the people were deeply touched, and they experienced the presence of God on that day.

Movie Night: “Do You Believe”

Movie Night: “Do You Believe”

Movie Night was a success. The movie “Do You Believe” was so powerful that it brought tears to our eyes. After enjoying the movie and eating popcorn, we extended an invitation to receive Jesus Christ, and it was accepted.

What a joyful moment it was to witness one person accepting Jesus as their personal savior.