(512) 994-4419 Pastor@lhministries.com

The Lord of the Harvest Ministries Prayer Breakfast was a resounding success. Many individuals generously donated to purchase tickets and some even attended the event. The women and men of LHMINISTRIES worked diligently to ensure its success. The theme of the prayer breakfast was “The Importance of Evangelizing the Earth.” Pastor G. Mathis delivered a powerful message and added a captivating dramatization to the program, making it well worth waking up early in the morning for.

So, what was the dramatization all about? I’m glad you asked. It was a video shown on a large screen during the event. It featured several clips from one of Pastor Mathis’s personal plays, titled “Judgment: Your Final Destination.” The play portrayed how individuals faced judgment before God after their passing. The conversations between God and the deceased individuals determined their final destination: either Hell or Heaven.

In addition to the impactful play, a delicious meal was prepared by the women and men of the ministry. We served freshly cooked pancakes, eggs, hash browns, orange juice, sausage, and bacon. I apologize if I’ve missed something from the menu, as there were numerous delectable options. While the ladies were busy whipping up the food in the kitchen, the men were skillfully flipping pancakes on the grill.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to every member who participated in the donations and cooking for making the event a remarkable success.


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